There Is Always a Right Way and A Wrong Way to Succeed
There Is Always a Right Way and A Wrong Way to Succeed

Two students at a seminar weekend both wanted to have a glass of wine while they worked on their business plan. They decided to ask the teacher for permission.

The first asked and was told no.

A little while later she spotted her friend drinking a glass of wine while working on her business plan.

“Why did the teacher allow you to have a glass of wine and not me?” she asked

“Because you asked if you should drink your wine while you worked on your business plan and I asked…

If I could work on my business plan while I drank a glass of wine!” the friend replied.

Words matter when negotiating, when asking for things, when writing your copy for your marketing. They matter in everything you do in life and in business. 

How can you re-word something to change the outcome from unsuccessful to successful?

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