Productivity Definition and How to Calculate Your Productivity

Productivity Definition and How to Calculate Your Productivity

In today’s episode we’re giving you the definition of productivity, the equation to calculate it, and then how to think about it as it relates to measuring your productivity because it’s not quite as cut and dry as the equation suggests. Productivity can be defined...
Create Mindless Lists to Boost Your Productivity

Create Mindless Lists to Boost Your Productivity

Can scribbling things down mindlessly actually boost your focus and efficiency? Today, we’re giving you a surprising productivity hack: the mindless list. Yes, you heard that right!  We’re looking at the science behind this strategy, 4 benefits of making a mindless...
Burnout: The 6 Stages to Burnout Recovery Backed by Science

Burnout: The 6 Stages to Burnout Recovery Backed by Science

Are you feeling exhausted, unmotivated, and overwhelmed? If so, you’re likely burned out and You’re not alone, we’re living in a wild world and life and work get crazy sometimes taking a toll on your mental and physical well being. Today we’re talking about...
Flow State: What the research says and how to get into a flow state

Flow State: What the research says and how to get into a flow state

Time flies, worries melt away, and you’re hyper-focused, energized, and performing at your best. That is the magic of a flow state.  Today, we’re diving deep into this fascinating phenomenon, exploring what the research says, and sharing 5 proven tips to unlock...