My goal is to lift weights 3x a week and ride 100–175 miles/week on my road bike. I can accomplish the biking in two to three rides. That gives me the option to rest one day a week. The gym part is pretty easy because regardless of the weather I’m dry and warm. Riding...
Building a Health and Fitness Supplements Company with Douglas Smith of True Nutrition | EP. 293 | Business Podcast Building a Health and Fitness Supplements Company with Douglas Smith of True Nutrition Summary Doug and I talk about the state of health in America and...
Coffee with Danielle – What we do to stay healthy, eating and exercise routines | EP. 224 | Body Podcast Coffee with Danielle – What we do to stay healthy, eating and exercise routines | EP. 224 | Body Podcast Summary In our last episode of 2021...
Staying Fit as an Entrepreneur – 5 Foods with A Surprising Amount of Sugar You Want to Avoid | EP. 208 | Body Podcast Staying Fit as an Entrepreneur – 5 Foods with A Surprising Amount of Sugar You Want to Avoid | EP. 208 | Body Podcast Summary Work life...
What I Learned From Doing 100 Perfect Push-ups a Day for 55 days in a Row. Yes, that’s 5,500 pushups. | EP. 198 | Business Podcast What I Learned From Doing 100 Perfect Push-ups a Day for 55 days in a Row Summary One day 55 days ago I decided I was going to go on...