Building a Health and Fitness Supplements Company with Douglas Smith of True Nutrition | EP. 293 | Business Podcast

Building a Health and Fitness Supplements Company with Douglas Smith of True Nutrition
Building a Health and Fitness Supplements Company with Douglas Smith of True Nutrition


Doug and I talk about the state of health in America and how he built a global multimillion dollar sports nutrition company. 

Douglas Smith is a worldwide adventurer and entrepreneur. Smith has circled the globe – from the North Pole to the South Pole – hiking, mountain climbing, skiing, surfing….even meditating with monks in South East Asia. 

He thrives on knowledge, especially when it comes to health and the undefined-ever changing landscape of nutrition, longevity and pushing physical limits.

Smith’s passion and personal experience suffering from the negative effects of poor nutrition, fueled him to create his own wellness empire. 

As Co-Founder/CEO of True Nutrition – one of the only companies on the globe that allows fully customizable dietary supplement and food powders – Paleo Pro, Primarch Manufacturing and The Lab Supplements, Smith supplies high-quality, sustainable, and affordable nutrition to the masses. 

He is proud to have kept the ethos of quality, transparency and validity of all his companies’ products from the start of business back in 2003. The headquarters is also 100% solar powered and sustainably driven.  

In 2018, Smith achieved a Guinness World Record for the world’s largest container of protein powder, with proceeds going to benefit the Challenged Athletes Foundation (CAF).

Smith continues to educate people on the largely untapped and immense potential of proper nutrition, physical movements and mental health.He is a frequent contributor to wellness publications including SHAPE, Men’s Health, Entrepreneur, Thrive Global, Elephant Journal and Reader’s Digest. Smith’s mission is to keep positive and progressive, as tomorrow will be his best day.

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