The best way to use voice mail is to not use voice mail and here’s why… You’re already using at least three other forms of communication as your main channels: Email, text, and another messaging app, whether that’s WhatsApp, Signal, or something else. Then there’s all...
There’s no avoiding it. We all spend a ton of time in our inbox. And here’s the thing, the most efficient way to use your inbox to make sure that you are as productive as possible is not to organize your emails into folders. I don’t want to debate it t...
Today we’re talking about time boxing. At the core it’s simple. Assign a fixed period of time to a task, turn off all distractions, set a time slot, and stick to it. ...
The Ideal Vacation Length Ever feel like your vacation ends just as you’re starting to relax? Or maybe you come back feeling more stressed than when you left? You’re not alone! But what if there was a sweet spot, a scientifically proven ideal vacation length for...
Charles M. Schwab Paid Over $400,000 for This Daily Routine That He and His Team Used for Peak Productivity – The Ivy Lee Method Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF): At the end of each day rank six tasks you need to do the next day. The next morning start with the first...
QUESTION Three frogs sat on a log and one decided to jump off. How many frogs were left on the log? EXPLANATION Although almost everyone answers “two”, the correct answer is actually “three”. Just because that frog decided to jump off the log doesn’t necessarily mean...