Week #1 Email Newsletter Update: 32 wishes for you in 2022 – from Brandon

Happy New Year! We’re got some great new things in store for you that we can’t wait to share to help you and your business in 2022. Stay tuned! Now, updates for you with…
New podcast episodes, something I learned that will help you with Zoom meetings, a book I’m reading that will help improve your focus and health, a good movie you’ll like and what I’m writing about for the EDGE print newsletter.
New Podcast Episodes
- 32 Wishes for You in the New Year 2022 from Brandon | Ep. 224
1. Find a or continue a passion and pursue it
2. Dream big
3. Laugh every day
4. Believe in Magic
5. Tell stories
6. Dance with someone you love
7. Reminisce about the good old days but look with optimism to the future…
8. Travel often
9. Learn more
10. Be creative
11. Spend time with…
Listen to the episode for the remaining 21 wishes in less than 2 minutes >>>
- A Simple Formula to Set Goals You Can Achieve in 2022 | Ep. 223
I’ve tried about every single approach to setting goals and while I usually hit them, a lot get missed. Not because they weren’t achievable, but because they fell off my radar. Has that happened to you?
In this episode I lay out a formula that I’ve been using for about seven years that has allowed me to easily set goals and as importantly achieve them. Listen to the episode >>>
- How to Survive a Startup and Reinvent Your Business with Steve “Captain Hoff” Hoffman CEO of Founder Space | Ep. 222
Steve Hoffman (Captain Hoff) is the Captain & CEO of Founders Space, one of the world’s leading startup accelerators. Listen to the episode to hear how Steve reinvented himself and how you can take the lessons learned and apply them to you and your business. Listen to the episode >>>
- 3 Benefits of Breaking the Rules | Episode 221
In this episode I explain three rules worth breaking and how it can pay off big time for you and your business. Listen to the episode >>>
- Getting Your Company’s Cyber Security Right From The Start with Amir Tarighat CEO and Founder of Achilleion | Ep. 220
Amir is a software developer and cybersecurity expert and in this episode he shares his journey how he built Achilleion and drops tons of cybersecurity tips that you want to think about for your business.Listen to the episode >>>
Something New I Learned This Week That Will Help You with Zoom
I’ve always wanted to start my Zoom calls with background music to set a mood to kick the meeting off. If it’s someone new, use relaxing music, if we’re jumping on to knock something out real fast than heavy rock. This week I learned how to do it easily. Here’s how:
Once you started the meeting:
Step 1: Goto the “Share Screen” button
Step 2: At the top of that popup screen select “Advanced”
Step 3: Select “Music or Computer Sound Only”
Boom! Now people in the meeting can hear the music playing from your computer. Try it out and set some mood for your meetings.
What I’m Reading
Atomic Focus by Patrick McKeown
Harness the True Power of Your Brain, Develop Resilience Against Stress, and Get Focused with Simple Breathing Exercises to Change Your Mental and Physical State.
I read Patrick’s first book back in 2015 called the The Oxygen Advantage and it had a profound impact on my work, health and fitness. In fact, we had Patrick on the podcast in episode #31 and it’s one of our most listened to episodes.
This is his second book and it’s packed with exercises you can immediately use to gain focus, reduce stress and improve your over all health. Highly recommend. Get it on Amazon here >>>
What I’m Watching
Elvis & Nixon
Elvis was hell bent on meeting the President to help America. On December 20, 1970 he jumped on a commercial red eye flight and showed up to the entrance of the White House the next morning. Getting the meeting, even for Elvis who was arguably the most popular human on earth at the time, wasn’t quite as easy as you would think.
Why am I recommending it?
Because there are great lessons about knowing your customer, friendship, determination no matter how crazy you sound, and good insights into how the things that are happening in our country right now are not new topics and it puts them into perspective. Oh yea…
The picture of Nixon and Elvis is said to be the most-requested photograph in the entire U.S. National Archives. Watch on Amazon Prime for free if you are a member or rent it >>>
What I’m Writing About for The EDGE’s Print Newsletter
The copy for sales letter to offer you the EDGE print newsletter this year. Writing copy is an art and a science. It’s personal and at the same time must communicate to you in a utterly compelling way the benefit of the product, in this case subscribing to the newsletter.
It’s been project for a little over three months. Good writing is hard! We’re close and I can’t wait for you to read it to see what you think.
Best wishes for health and prosperity to you, your family and your business in 2022!
P.S. Make sure to subscribe to the EDGE in your podcast player so you don’t miss any episodes >>>
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