A marketing plan that fits on a note card

From Brandon on Oct 8th
We’re headed into Week 42 like a jaguar running through the Amazon.
This week’s edition is packed with things to give you an edge to win in your business and your life!
In this edition:
Community Announcements & Shoutouts
- NEWEDGE podcast episodes that will move you and your business forward.
Worth sharing: A marketing plan that fits on a notecard you can use to guide your marketing and a report on just how early people have started shopping for the holidays, you’re not going to believe it.
- New, Hot and Undiscovered
Worth reading: The Real Burger King
Worth watching: Great show on a GOAT
What I’m writing about..or rather tired of writing about.
The EDGE this coming week
- This email took 3.25 hours to research, write, edit, format and create. It’s packed with valuable information that will help you get the most out of your time, talent and ideas!
Let’s go!
Community Announcements
Welcome the 65 new subscribers to this newsletter who joined since last week. We’re grateful to have you here! We’re 14,311 strong!
Worth Listening to on the EDGE
Ep. 411: 3 Ways to Use ARPU to Increase Your Sales
Three ways to use your ARPU (average revenue per user) marketing metric to increase your sales.
Ep. 412: Building a 401k Within Your Budget
How to build a 401k plan for your company within your budget.
Ep. 413: Saving Money on Your Company’s SaaS Software Subscriptions with Indus Khaitan Founder of Quolum
About SaaS software subscriptions and how we forget we’re paying for seats we don’t use, entire programs we don’t use, and how to know what you’re paying for so you can cancel subscriptions your company is not using.
Ep. 414: The Power of Coincidence with Author Sophia Demas
The power of coincidence, what you can find and especially what happens when you start paying attention.
Ep. 415: 3 Exercises You Can Do to Get a Quick Workout In If You Miss the Gym Because You’re Working Late
Three easy to do exercises that you can do with your own body weight to get a quick workout in.
On Business Podcast Ep.9: What to Do When Former Employees Come Back Demanding You Owe Them Money
Danielle and Brandon talk about how they’ve handled situations where employees who were let go, or left on their own, come back weeks, or even months later demanding you own them money.
Worth Sharing
A Marketing Plan That Fits on a Notecard
The quest to make things less complicated, short, but useful, is one I’ve been on since embarking on writing a book. Well, correction, for lifetime. And…
When you come across something so simple and useful it’s refreshing. I read a version of the below Marketing Plan this past week. It’s great. I took the liberty of adding a few things to it that I’ve found useful.
It’s not new or magical, but it works and it’s a great reminder of the basics. See what you think…
- People who have never heard of your company, product or service – Do brand intros, product demos, podcasts, and blog posts.
- People who have heard of your company, product or service: Do product demos, influencer videos, and review videos.
- People who have shown interest in your company, product or service– Show testimonials, reviews, and give special offers.
- People who have purchased – do up-sells, cross-sells, get testimonials and reviews, offer referral mechanisms/affiliate programs.
* SOURCES: Reddit, an email I can’t find.
Holiday Shopping Starts Really Early Now!
I was reading an article on Google’s Blog and was surprised just how early people have started shopping for the holidays.
I couldn’t help but share it with you and give you a nudge if you haven’t already positioned your marketing for the holiday season. Here’s a summary:
Habits change and holiday shopping is happening earlier, across several months, and Google expects this trend to continue in our 2022 holiday season.
In a consumer report Google commissioned it showed that as of June 2021, 31% of U.S. shoppers had already started their holiday shopping and 37% of shoppers who shopped last holiday season wished they had started earlier.
The report concluded that this 2022 holiday season was not going to be much different and shoppers are likely starting even earlier.
Recession or not, everyone wants something under the tree. Go get your marketing on so they buy your stuff!
SOURCES: Think Google Blog, Google-commissioned Ipsos COVID-19 tracker, U.S., n=1,000 online consumers 18+ who shop for the holidays, June 17–20, 2021, Google-commissioned Ipsos COVID-19 tracker, AU, BR, CA, CN, FR, DE, IN, IT, JP, MX, RU, ZA, KR, ES, U.K., and U.S., n=500–1,000 online consumers 18+ per market, Jan. 6–9, 2022.
New, Hot, and Undiscovered
The Burger King by Jim McLamore
Co-founder and first CEO of Burger King, Jim McLamore, recounts the entrepreneurial journey of an international fast food chain and offers a message to today’s entrepreneur.
It’s a rags-to-$9-billion-riches story. A crash course in Burger King history and fast food in America, The Burger King is McLamore’s candid and conversational memoir. Written before his death in 1996, he talks of his life, the birth of the whopper, and the rise of Burger King.
I’m listening to the audio version, really good so far.
It gets 4.5 stars out of 5 for the book on Amazon and 4.5 stars on Audible.
Check it out here on Amazon for the best price I could find for you
Facing Nolan
Some of the greatest baseball pitchers of all time call him mythical.
During his career he had 5,714 strike outs, a 108 MPH fastball, and 7 no hitters. One of a kind.
Watch this show to learn how to find the edge, create an edge and keep it. If you have Apple TV it’s free, otherwise watch it on Amazon.
Check out the trailer on YouTube that has over 529,000 views
What I’m Writing About
I’m getting tired of writing about writing this book, but I’m pushing on and getting closer each day to finishing. Today I sent my first chapter to Gia here at the EDGE to read over, do some edits and give feedback. It’s the first time anyone has seen anything I’ve been working on.
I intend to share pieces of it with you to get your feedback as well. Maybe as soon as next week!
I started on the evening on June 16, 2022. Here’s my total words and progress the last four weeks. Check previous emails for past progress because I’m trying save some room on this email, but still give an idea of how it’s going:
Week 14: 31, 241 (-401)
Week 15: 31,143 (-240)
Week 16: 31,002 (-141)
Week 17: 31,700 (+692)
This Week at EDGE
- Dropping 5 new episodes on the EDGE.
- Two guest recording sessions for the EDGE podcast including one from a Founder who tells her story how she won her patent lawsuit from a person trying to knock her off and lessons learned.
- New episode on Tuesday on the On Business Podcast
- Send out the next version of this newsletter next Saturday.
- Drop new episodes on the EDGE YouTube channel
Last Word
That’s your edge, thanks for reading.
Have a terrific weekend!
P.S. We support the podcast and this email newsletter through the sale of our Print Newsletter, How to Build a Business Plan in 13 Slides Online Course and Business Plan/Pitch Deck Writing Service.
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