Use the Spider technique to Improve Your Concentration

Today, we’re diving into a technique that’s as ancient as it is effective: the Spider Technique.

It got it’s name because if you Hold a tuning fork to a spider web, the spider will react thinking that the web has caught some dinner. BUT keep holding that tuning fork on the web in a short amount of time the spider starts ignoring the vibration.

The real magic in this for you happens when you apply this approach to your own mind.

Distractions are like those pesky vibrations in the spider web. 

Every notification, every squirrel outside your window, every fire engine you hear – they tug at your focus, demanding your attention.

 But you, like the wise old spider, can learn to let them “be out there” while you remain firmly anchored in your task.

I’m going to give you three things you can do to bring your focus back to your task so you can concentrate, BUT before you learn them, let me tell you about some research that backs this up…

A study published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology titled “Attentional control training improves sustained attention performance and filtering of distractors” found that practicing the Spider Technique – essentially, consciously ignoring distractions – significantly improved participants’ ability to concentrate and filter out irrelevant information which is a key aspect of the Spider Technique’s effectiveness.

So, how do you spin your own web of focus? Here are some tips:

  1. Start small. Train yourself to ignore minor distractions, like the door closing or someone walking by. Practice “being here now” when your attention wanders, gently guiding it back to the present moment.
  2. Build your tunnel vision. In a lecture, imagine a tunnel between you and the professor. Or if you’re writing on your computer, blur your peripheral version.

 Let the outside world blur, noise fade, and focus solely on what’s in front of you.

A HPT I’ll offer you is to try a curved monitor. I didn’t like it when I first got it, but within an hour I would never work without one. The curves give the feeling of hugging your attention and it’s greatly helped my computer work.

  1. If you’re in a conversation. Give your full attention to the person you’re talking to. Look at their face, look into their eyes, listen actively, and let the rest of the world fade into the background.
  2. Practice makes perfect. Train your Spider Technique in different settings, from your quiet office to bustling cafes. The more you resist the pull of distractions, the stronger your focus becomes.

The Spider Technique about mastering your attention, choosing where you direct it, and reclaiming your mental space. 

So next time you feel your focus unraveling, remember the wise spider and let the distractions “be out there” while you spin a web of unwavering concentration.

Your move.

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