How to Use Voicemail to Increase Your Productivity

The best way to use voice mail is to not use voice mail and here’s why…

You’re already using at least three other forms of communication as your main channels:

Email, text, and another messaging app, whether that’s WhatsApp, Signal, or something else.

Then there’s all the secondary channels you’re getting messages from:

LinkedIn, Instagram, X (formerly Twitter), SnapChat, TikTock, Facebook Messenger, and might we add in communication platforms from work like Slack, Teams, or some other internal communication app.

It’s crazy. 

And if we’re being completely frank, phone calls are inefficient. You don’t want to be rude so you have all the pleasantries at the beginning of the call, then the point of the call that isn’t always delivered in a direct way, then you might get off track and before you know it you’ve been on the phone for 25 minutes. 

Back to voicemail, most phones will transcribe the call for you which allows you to read and respond in the channel of your choice, not necessarily a call.

I don’t even want to check them so on my voicemail I tell people right up front, Thanks for calling, I don’t check my voicemail please email or text me. 

If you do this it will funnel all your messages into the communication channel of your choice.

And here’s the thing, killing the use of voicemail isn’t new…

In 2014, Coca-Cola scrapped voicemail for employees in a move designed to increase productivity. JPMorgan Chase followed suit in 2015, stripping the service from its consumer-bank workers.

Eliminate your voicemail messages and not only will you be more productive, but you’ll feel less stress from having to check yet one more communication app.

Your move.

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