Self Talk- 10x Your Results with This Research Backed Mind Trick

Ever find yourself talking to yourself to psych yourself up saying things like  I can do this, I am strong, I am healthy, I eat right, I’m this, I’m that?

Today we’re going to explain why that self talk script is wrong, some research to back it up and then the formula to fix your self talk to 10x your results, increase your productivity and hit your peak performance.

Research by Jason Moser at Michigan State University explored this very phenomenon. He subjected two groups to stressful tasks—the first using first-person self-talk, the second employing third-person. The results? Subjects using third-person self-talk showed:

  • Reduced emotional reactivity and calmed down faster and experienced less anxiety than the first-person group.
  • Subjects had Increased self-compassion. Talking to themselves like a supportive friend fostered understanding and forgiveness.
  • Subjects had Improved performance: Their stress didn’t hinder their ability to complete the tasks effectively.

Another study, published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology, yielded similar results. Participants reporting on past mistakes in the third person showed:

  • Reduced feelings of guilt and shame: Distancing themselves from the negative experience led to less emotional baggage.


  • Enhanced self-forgiveness: They were more likely to let go of self-blame and move forward.

A 2020 study published in the Journal of Cognitive Therapy found that students who used third-person self-talk during a stressful math test reported lower anxiety and higher performance compared to those using first-person self-talk.

And yet another study, published in Perspectives on Psychological Science, revealed that athletes who engaged in third-person self-encouragement (“Come on Sarah, you got this!”) displayed greater persistence and effort during a strenuous exercise task than those using first-person self-talk.

Here’s 3 things to change your self talk to the third person to get the best results:

  • Observe rather than criticize: Instead of “I made a mistake,” try “Oh, Sarah made a misstep today.” This creates a less self-blaming perspective.

  • Offer encouragement: Shift from “I can do this” to “Go on, Sarah, you’ve got this!” Cheer yourself on like a supportive coach.

  • Reframe challenges: Replace “This is frustrating” with “This seems tricky for Sarah, but she’s clever, she’ll figure it out.” This fosters resilience and problem-solving.

Talking to yourself in the third person might seem strange, but the science is clear: it’s a powerful tool for managing emotions, boosting self-compassion, and even improving performance. So, the next time you face a challenge or feel overwhelmed, give this verbal twist a try. You’ll surprise yourself with your newfound inner strength and resilience.

Your move.

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