The Best Marketing Channels

The Best Marketing Channels

It’s no secret video is quickly becoming the most popular choice for content consumption.

Along those lines we’ve been trying to figure out a video strategy for our business. As I reported a few weeks ago we started putting EDGE podcast videos on YouTube and we have a plan to create some custom content just for our YouTube channel because of the potential we’re seeing of getting customers.

We’ve already learned a ton about creating thumbnails that convert.

HPT for you, the difference between getting plays heavily depends on making a good video thumbnail. Create ones that catch people’s attention.

I’ve also been experimenting with Instagram Reels the last few weeks and with the editing, tags and encouraging some engagement, I’ve been getting over 10,000 plays per reel with consistency.

Regarding actual stats on video consumption, can you believe this…

• In 2022 the average person will watch 100 minutes of online video per day

• 66% of users prefer learning about a product or service via video

• 80% of brands using video marketing claim video has directly increased sales

If you don’t have a video strategy, regardless if you sell a product or service, you should start thinking of one or appoint someone in your company to come up with one. People are eating it up and it’s only going to continue as wireless bandwidth (5G and beyond) expands. Your customers want video from you!

If you enjoyed this article be sure to claim your subscription to the weekly email I send out. It’s full of great information and other articles just like this one. This piece is from my 6/2/22, Week 22 update.

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