7 Tools We Use to Run this Podcast that Helped Us Get to the top of Apple iTunes Podcast Charts | Ep. 38- Business Podcast

A podcast is a great way to reach your audience, but it takes some work. These are 7 essential tools we use to run our Build a Business Build a Business Success Secrets podcast and they’ve helped us get to the top of the Apple Podcast Charts.
EA extraordinaire Gia joins me to talk about the podcast tools and how we use them.
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friends. Welcome to another episode of Build a business success Secrets. I’m your host, Brandon. See, White. And today I am joined by my e extraordinaire Gaea. We have been on a roll lately, recording episodes with all of the tools that we use to run, build a business are built a business success, secrets podcast that you’re listening to right now. Our newsletter, print newsletter, our website, our funnels, our social media outreach everything.
And today we’re talking about seven tools that we use to run this podcast Now.
Ah, podcast might not be for everybody, but it’s not as intimidating as you might think.
You can actually put together a podcast pretty easily with not a big investment. And these tools won’t set you back that much money at all and, as importantly, will increase your productivity, putting together a podcast. You’re gonna love this episode. I’m not gonna waste another second. Let’s get to it.
Hey, everyone, Welcome back. Today we are doing seven tools that we use at build a business success Secrets podcast. And we’ve got JIA my ea extraordinary in the house who makes sure that everything happens. Guia, our number one on the list tool. All right, Number one on the list tool is Lipson. We use that Teoh host our podcast. We use it. Thio published the podcast out to all the different platforms that our podcast can be found on That’s iTunes Spotify, Google play Amazon Podcast stitcher tune in So I get Spotify I think we just Spotify and Amazon podcast now Amazon podcast Google play, I think. Yeah, we got that. Yeah, we’re all over the place anywhere that you could possibly listen to. A podcast lives in handles getting us there. And it makes all of the original links that we build everything else off. Number two I’ll take is podcast press and they edit all of our podcast and mix them and make them sound really good. And they’ve been awesome. So that’s podcast.
Press number three. Tell me you take that So we use tending to get transcripts of all of our podcast episodes.
So that way, for our especially busy listeners, you can go to our blogged Brandon white dot com. And you can read the entire podcast episode if you would rather listen to stop by and they do a good job, right you have to do a little bit of massaging, but you can pay as they do a good job. They do a good job, their transcriptions air pretty accurate. But the feature that I really like from them that’s really important to us that is evidently super hard to find in other transcription services is that you can isolate the audio by speaker. So all the sentences that Brandon says will be separate from all the sentences that I say, and they will be labeled with our names. So that way you can read it like a script or conversation, as opposed to just ah whole big jumbled paragraph. Cool, super useful. Number four I’ll take is Zoom, and we’re recording right now on Zoom, and we use the video that we are eventually going to publish off these on YouTube, and we use it for audio number five.
I’ll take two, mainly because it’s here.
In my office is the road castor pro, and it is a mixer for people who podcast and we use all road products.
Actually, the mix are super.
The arm from the mic is super, and the road castor pro has been awesome. Pretty easy to use even for a novice. And it will make you and your guests sound professional.
Number six audio mute audio mute.
Well, we did a whole podcast on audio mute, mainly because their customer service is extraordinary.
And even to this day, we have not shopped another service for this.
But they make products that mute your voice for your room. And I got this cool thing now on my wall and I’ve got some I don’t think you can see it in this video, but some things hanging that have helped the quality of my voice in this home studio and number seven JIA you take, which is chargeable charitable is incredible.
We use it to create master links so that you can listen to our podcast on whatever platform that you like to listen to podcasts on.
But it opens for you in that platform automatically.
So, for example, if I want to click on a link to listen to a podcast on my iPhone, then I click on the chargeable link and it will open for me automatically an apple podcast.
Or, if I have an android phone, it will open automatically for me in spot outside or whatever.
Whatever platform you use, the chargeable link opens it for you in that platform automatically. So that way, there’s no there’s no disconnect and you don’t get lost anywhere in cyberspace. You could just go straight to it. Yeah, I like charitable. It’s been cool.
We get a lot of stats from them, too. Don’t think they provide a lot of really good tracking information. Yeah, they keep it. They keep track of all the charts. So it’s been really good service for us. Well, there you have it. That’s our episode for today. Seven tools we use to run the build a business success. Secrets Podcast.
Pretty cool, right? If you are a fellow podcaster and you have some suggestions of tools that you’ve been using, I want to hear from you. Send me an email. Be as in Brandon at Brandon, see white dot com or shoot me a text message at 41542912 to 9. Let me know, and I am sure that other fellow podcasters and entrepreneurs out there will be grateful if you enjoyed this episode.
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And until the next episode, remember, you are just one business plan away.
I’m rooting for your success. We’ll see you soon