Week #2 Email Newsletter Update : The secrets behind e-commerce brands scaling from $1m/year to $10m/year

I hope you glided into week 1 of 2022 like a soaring eagle with a tailwind!
Updates on great new podcast episodes from this past week, something I learned about sleep and dreams that you’re find interesting, a great book I’m reading that as a business person and investor you’ll love, what I’m watching and writing about that you’ll enjoy. Here we go…
New Podcast Episodes
- 13 Essential Rules of Internet Marketing | Ep. 228
In this episode 13 rules that I’ve used to guide my internet marketing success over the last two decades from starting my first Internet company is 1996 to working in Marketing at AOL.
Listen to the episode >>>
- The Secrets Behind E-commerce Brands Scaling From $1m/year to $10m/year with Chase Clymer the Co-Founder of Electric Eye |Ep. 227
Chase Clymer is the Co-founder at Electric Eye where he and his team create Shopify-powered sales machines from strategic design, development, and marketing decisions. Listen to this episode where Chase drops a ton of tips you can use for your online store.
Listen to the episode >>>
- 3 Powerful Benefits of Mini Habits | Ep. 226
Improving your business and your life may be easier than you think. Instead of making huge New Years resolutions, create a few mini-habits and see how they add up to help you achieve great success.
Listen to the episode >>>
- How I Built a Multi Million Dollar Business Making Pools Out of Shipping Containers with Paul Rathnam CEO and Founder of ModPools |Ep. 225
Paul Rathnam didn’t take the traditional approach of sitting diwn and writing a business plan outlining how he was going to build a multi million dollar company making pools out of shipping containers. Rather, his journey was one of listening to the market and then leaning in.
Listen to the episode >>>
- Dealing with Covid and HR Issues on Coffee with Danielle | Ep. 229
Recorded yesterday morning and to be released later today, Danielle and I talk about new lock downs in Canada, new restrictions happening across the US, the challenges dealing with conflicting news reporting about COVID and updating your company HR policies to comply with the changing environment.
Something New I Learned This Week About Sleep and Dreams
SleepTracker sensors sit under our mattress and every morning give a summary of our sleep via email and in the app. It also has an AI engine that summarizes how our sleep efforts are going and gives some tips.
This morning it said that we can only dream about faces we have already seen. I thought to myself, “Is this true? How do you even test this?” So, I did some digging this morning and found an article written by a neuroscience group of researches from Stanford that confirmed that it is highly probable that we only see faces we’ve seen or combine faces to make a new one, but don’t totally make up faces when we dream.
This is interesting because if you see someone you don’t recognize in your dream, you may have seen them, but just don’t remember. So our dreams unlocking memories in many ways.
What I’m Reading
Principles by Ray Dalio
Ray is one, if not the most, successful hedge fund managers of all time. He started Bridgewater Associates out of his two-bedroom apartment in New York City in 1975.
Bridgewater manages over $160 billion and its average return over three decades beat the DOW, S&P and NASDAQ. When you beat the market by five or six percent every year for almost three decades, you will get some attention.
Ray was the man behind the money until he retired in 2017. His unique investment strategy, success as an entrepreneur, how he ran the firm and personal principles for success have gained interest through the books he’s been writing in retirement.
In Principles, Dalio shares what he’s learned over the course of his remarkable career. He argues that life, management, economics, and investing can all be systemized into rules and understood like machines. The book’s hundreds of practical lessons, which are built around his cornerstones of “radical truth” and “radical transparency,” include Dalio laying out the most effective ways for individuals and organizations to make decisions, approach challenges, and build strong teams.
It’s not a book I’ve read straight through, but pick up from time to time and read a few chapters. This week I was reading Chapter 5.4 titled, “Understand How People Came by Their Opinions.” A great read.
I have the hardcopy because I like to take notes in these sorts of books. It’s also available in audio and Kindle. Check it out here >>>
What I’m Watching
Book of Boba Fett on Disney+
Star Wars defined my generation (X) and in many ways changed movies in the 1970’s. If you’re a Star Wars fan I don’t need to say anything, you’re already watching it.
If you’re not watching it and are a fan of great westerns, this is the modern day western. Jon Favreau is the Executive Producer and in my opinion truly understands Star Wars essence, what makes a great western and combines those two things to deliver a highly entertaining show.
Why am I recommending it?
Because with all the news about increasing COIVD cases this past week and a stock market that took a downturn to start the year, we all need some good entertainment.
What I’m Writing About for The EDGE’s Print Newsletter
How if you want to improve anything, your business, your health, fitness, relationships, just about anything, you have to measure it. I’m laying out how I approach it, why you need to measure it, some science to back it up and suggestions readers can put into action quickly.
Here’s to attacking the upcoming week #2 of 2022.
Enjoy your weekend!
P.S. Make sure to subscribe to the EDGE in your podcast player so you don’t miss any episodes >>>
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