Dr. Shannon Ritchey is Founder of Evlo Fitness and Shares 3 Tips How to Workout Without Destroying Your Joints | EP 148 | Body Podcast

Dr. Shannon appeared on episode 106 and shared tons of information about working out, how to do it without destroying your joints and other great workout trips.
Dr. Shannon is an Entrepreneur, Doctor of Physical Therapy, wife and transitioned from owning a cash-pay physical therapy practice to exclusively focusing on creating safe exercise programs for those suffering like she was at an early age.
As we wrap up our season here are Dr. Shannon’s 3 HPT’s (high percentage tips) to improve your fitness, workouts and not destroy your body.
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Hello Friends, Welcome to the show. Today we are doing a recap of episode one oh six where we talked with dr Shannon Richie from evolve fitness about how to exercise without destroying your joints and whether you’re young or old.
This episode was awesome and Shannon went through a bunch of tips and tricks.
I’ve been following her for several years on instagram and today you get her three H.
S. High percentage tips. If you love them, go back to episode 106 and listen to our full episode where she expands on all these things and we talk about a whole bunch of other things that you love.
Here we go.
Welcome to build the business success secrets.
The only podcast that provides straight talk for entrepreneurs whether you’re an entrepreneur starting with an idea or growing your business. This show is for you, we’ll teach you how to build a strong mindset, powerful body and profitable business so you can achieve success and here’s your host Brandon.
See White three H.
P. T. S. That you would give high percentage tips that you would give people about their fitness and approach to live in a better healthier life.
Yes. Okay three tips lift the weights slowly and smartly recover properly and I think the third would be to work on loving yourself more every day.
That would be my my three.
Well that’s a good one.
That one sounds like a full podcast unto itself.
I know it really could be multiple. Thank you so much, you are super busy, congratulations on your business and thank you for sharing all of these tips. Just to live a healthier pain, not pain free, but do less damage to your joints life.
Oh, I am so happy to be here as a blast.
Thank you for having me.
Thanks for being generous with your time and joining us for this episode of build a business success secrets before we go, let me ask you a quick question.
Are you the type of person who wants to get 100% out of your time?
Talent and ideas.
If so you’ll love our monthly built a business Success Secrets newsletter.
It’s a monthly playbook about the inner game of building a successful business.
Recent issues have shown how to avoid losing money on Facebook and Instagram paid ads with this science-backed strategy, how to build a pitch deck to raise money in 13 simple slides three tips.
The monks used to improve concentration and get more done in less time, a five step process to survive and thrive when things get tough, how to optimize your sales team to grow your revenue in tons of other actionable, high percentage mind, body and business building tips and tricks.
As a fellow entrepreneur who’s aiming for nothing short of success, you owe it to yourself to subscribe, check out the special offer with bonuses for you at be success secrets dot com.
That’s b as in business success secrets dot com and until the next episode remember you are just one business plan away, I’m rooting for your success Yeah