New Research Reveals Hitting the Snooze Button Will Boost Your Productivity When You’re Short on Sleep
Did your alarm ever wake you up and you hit the snooze button only to feel guilty about it because you feel like you’re doing something wrong?...

How to Hit Your Individual Zones of Optimal Functioning (IZOF) Whenever Your Need to Be at Your Best and Have a Peak Performance
Can you remember a time when you performed at your peak? You absolutely dominated a game you played, a race or nailed a presentation? Imagine if you...

How to Be Happy and Live Your Most Fulfilling and Productive Life by Answering These 10 Questions
Who doesn't want to be happy, right?! We all do! Happiness leads to being productive, but probably more importantly it leads to a fulfilling life...

The Ivy Lee Method – A Daily Routine That Charles M. Schwab and His Team Used to Achieve Their Peak Productivity Every Day
Today, we're diving into the Ivy Lee Method, a simple yet powerful tool that's been helping leaders conquer mountains of work for over a century. In...

Does Sleeping with Socks On Improve Your Sleep? Here’s What the Research Says
Today, we're tackling a bedtime ritual that's as divisive as pineapple on pizza: sleeping with socks on. We all know someone who swears by it and...

Best Productivity Life Hack in This Short Exercise
What if there was one productivity hack that applied to everything you do, that always worked to get you headed in the right direction? Today you’re...

The Health Benefits of Smiling
How many times have you smiled today? Take a second and think about it. I bet you can count on one hand the times. Life’s too short for that few...

Sleep Music – The best sleep music to use to get a good nights rest and be at your peak productivity the next day
Can certain music truly unlock dreamland's door for you? Today we’re exploring the science behind the soundtrack to a perfect night's sleep! We’ll...

How to Write the Perfect 90-Day Plan to Onboard New Employees and Set Them Up for Success
Who doesn’t want to give a new team member the very best chance of success?! Today, we're tackling a crucial part of building a successful team and...

Motivational Theory: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and How to Use It Successfully
Ever give someone a raise, or get one, and find that that person or you still aren’t motivated? This is Part 1 of a 5 part mini-series on...

Motivational Theory: Expectancy Theory, Effort, Performance, and Reward
This is Part 2 of a 5 part mini-series on Motivational Theories to help understand why that happens and how to prevent it from happening Today,...

Seasonal Affective Disorder: How to tell if you have it and 5 tips to fight it off
Are you feeling those winter blues too? Low energy, feeling tired, not super excited about things and just overall feeling blah. Turns out you...

Best Apps for Transcribing
Ever find yourself in an in person meeting, on a phone call or in a Zoom meeting and wish you had someone taking notes and who would summarize that...

How to Stop Procrastinating
Ever have something that has to get done but even with your best intentions you find yourself putting it off and doing it at the last minute? You’re...

Self Talk: 10x Your Results with This Research Backed Mind Trick
Ever find yourself talking to yourself to psych yourself up saying things like I can do this, I am strong, I am healthy, I eat right, I'm this, I'm...