The Best Software for Mimicking Natural Light and Reducing Blue Light on Your Computer, Phone, and iPad Screens
The blue, unnatural light from our screens is one of the biggest issues we face when it comes to getting a quality night’s sleep and having a...

How to Write SMART Goals
Today, we're diving into the world of goal setting, specifically a method that can transform your aspirations into reality: SMART goals. We’ll...

Time Blocking
Ever wondered how top performers manage their time like pros? Today, we're exploring a game-changer in productivity: Time Blocking! In this episode,...

What a 13th Century Monk Can Teach You About Productivity
Who knew a 13th-century monk could hold the key to unlocking your productivity potential? Today we're going over a research study on Monks...

Create Mindless Lists to Boost Your Productivity
Can scribbling things down mindlessly actually boost your focus and efficiency? Today, we’re giving you a surprising productivity hack: the mindless...

How Many Hours A Week Should Your Really Be Working?
Today's question plagues office workers, remote workers and digital nomads alike: how many hours should you really be working? Is the standard...

Burnout: The 6 Stages to Burnout Recovery Backed by Science
Are you feeling exhausted, unmotivated, and overwhelmed? If so, you’re likely burned out and You're not alone, we’re living in a wild world and life...

Research Uncovers Three Words the Most successful and Productive People Use that Most are Scared to Say
Ever said something you instantly regretted? We've all been there. But what separates the high achievers, the super productive folks, from the rest...

Try The New ARC Browser by The Browser Company to Increase Your Productivity
Ever feel like the internet browser hasn’t been updated in years or even a decade. You’re not a alone, for the most part the Internet Browser has...

Sleep Debt. How to recover from a bad nights sleep and still have a productive day.
A late night out, a restless night’s sleep because of anxiety of something weighing on your mind, getting up to use the bathroom only to find...

Motivational Theory: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and How to Use It Successfully
Ever give someone a raise, or get one, and find that that person or you still aren’t motivated? This is Part 1 of a 5 part mini-series on...

Motivational Theory: Expectancy Theory, Effort, Performance, and Reward
This is Part 2 of a 5 part mini-series on Motivational Theories to help understand why that happens and how to prevent it from happening Today,...

Seasonal Affective Disorder: How to tell if you have it and 5 tips to fight it off
Are you feeling those winter blues too? Low energy, feeling tired, not super excited about things and just overall feeling blah. Turns out you...

Best Apps for Transcribing
Ever find yourself in an in person meeting, on a phone call or in a Zoom meeting and wish you had someone taking notes and who would summarize that...

How to Stop Procrastinating
Ever have something that has to get done but even with your best intentions you find yourself putting it off and doing it at the last minute? You’re...