The thing you need to know about hard things.
My goal is to lift weights 3x a week and ride 100–175 miles/week on my road bike. I can accomplish the biking in two to three rides. That gives me...

Use This Instead of Motivation
When you want to accomplish a goal or get someone to do something, whether in your personal life, in business or with your product or service, the...

12 Qualities That Make the Best Team Members
This is from the Team Slide chapter of the book I wrote, that’s in the middle of being edited right now, on how to build a business plan in 11...

Lesson in Leading a Team That Will Make You Great
After the Battle of Gettysburg, General Robert E. Lee and his Confederate forces were withdrawing to Virginia. President Lincoln felt that...

An Investment Banker Called and Asked Me to Lunch
Out of the blue I received a call from the CEO of Traction Advising, Lowell Ricklef, saying he was going to be in Half Moon Bay, CA and asking if I...

Bust a Belief to Launch Your Life into 2024
I thought with the new year knocking on our door I’d share the story below because you’ll likely start thinking about your new years resolutions and...

Million Dollar Lesson from Bug Spray
There once was a man who invented a universal bug spray. It worked on virtually every kind of pesky bug you could imagine. One spray, and within...

How Many Frogs Are Left in This Math Problem?
QUESTION Three frogs sat on a log and one decided to jump off. How many frogs were left on the log? EXPLANATION Although almost everyone answers...

Life Lesson I Learned from Playing Soccer with Pelé That Will Help You
Pelé passed away over the holidays at the age of 82. Regarded as the GOAT, he is the only soccer player to win the World Cup three times. As a kid I...

Lesson Learned from Changing the Plan that Will Help You
As a kid growing up in Maryland I was born with a lacrosse stick in my hand. It's a thing like basketball and football are in the midwest. There...

Getting Out of Your Own Way
A king wanted to pick the wisest man among his subjects to be his prime minister. When the search finally narrowed down to three men, he decided to...

Love, Loss and Customer Service
“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” — Dr. Seuss. It’s great advice and so true, but hard as heck to do sometimes. My wife...

A Marketing Plan That Fits on a Note Card
The quest to make things less complicated, short, but useful, is one I’ve been on since embarking on writing a book. Well, correction, for lifetime....

How Do You Compare to Your Peers?
The Inc 5000 for 2022 was recently released. Every year they survey Founders and CEO’s and ask them a host of questions ranging from what they say...

An Honest Look at Inflation
All the news articles you read are reporting that inflation is going through the roof and the world is about to end. Those headlines will earn...